The Electronic Information Department was created in 2003 on the base of the Center of Business Cooperation. The basic purpose of the Department is to provide users with electronic sources of information, implement effectively the library’s offerings on the market for information and services, administrate the CLS’s local computer network, automate library technological processes.

The Department gives citizens access to electronic information on education, law, commerce, entrepreneurship, public matters etc. Readers can use the followng information resources:

  • Web-resources;
  • Multimedia on compact discs (including sound books with the best samples of classical and modern world literature);
  • Collection of print resources for computer science.

The Department includes Internet CenterSensotek (for people with disabilities), Virtual Reference Service .

The Internet Center is open with the assistance and financial support of the USA Embassy in Ukraine through the project “Internet for Readers of Public Libraries “ (LEAP). Its work focuses on addressing the problem of providing the citizens with free access to information resources to ensure social mobility during the transition to civil society.

The Sensotek was created with the assistance of the RUSAL's Center for Social Programs and Mykolaiv Welfare Fund "META" by three projects: “Information Without Limits”, “Book’s Sound Silhouette” and “A Step Towards Each Other”.

In 2013, the department's book fund was replenished with Holy Scripture (13 volumes) in Braille. The library received these books as a gift from Oleksiy Lymarev, a missionary teacher of the St. Tikhon Orthodox University of Humanities.
From October 2014, as part of the Sensoteka's work, visually impaired and totally blind users have the opportunity to receive the following free services:

• working on the computer with a widescreen monitor;
•  using MAGic Screen Magnification Software with speech to work on the PC;
• using JAWS Screen Reading Software to work on the PC and Internet;
• reading books and magazines with a Portable Video Magnifier RUBY;
• dubbing literature by means of SARA Scanning&Reading Appliance for flat-printed texts;
• listening to audiobooks (including in the DAISY format), radio stations from around the world, news feeds (podcasts) using a Multifunction Speech-Generating Device Daisy Player Plextalk Linio;
• convertion electronic texts into audio format;
• consulting on how to use special programs and equipment

Since 2005 there is a “Virtual Reference Service" in the structure of the Department, the purpose of which is the reference-informational service of remote users.

Since 2011, the Electronic Information Department has been a joint participant in the project "Libraries as a constituent part of electronic dialogue between the community and government" in the competition "Educational and Innovative Libraries" under the program "Bibliomist" (IREX), supported by Mykolaiv Mayor and Mykolaiv City Council.

Since 2012, much attention has been paid to teaching citizens computer literacy, IT competence, using tools and services in the e-government system.

The Internet connection is available via a dedicated fiber-optic communication channel at a speed of 24576/24576 Kbit /s and using Wi-Fi technology.

Customer service in the Department is carried out by means of an Automated Libray System IRBIS. 

Access to web-resources in the Internet center is free

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