Board games are a great way to spend leisure time meaningfully in the company of friends and like-minded people. Knowing this, the head of the NGO "Youth Center for Scientific Activities", a lontime and constant friend of the team of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi Artem Kryvtsov came to the institution again with a gift - a selection of various board games.

Among them are both adventurous, educational and intellectual ones. In particular, "YES. NO. 4 in 1", "CORTEX. CHALLENGE. HARRY POTTER", "Mysterious Labyrinth", "Journey to Europe", "Jumanji", "Agropolis" and many others.

We thank Artem for his constant support, participation in the life of the library and today's gift.

Friends, we invite you to the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi. We definitely provide you unbelievable emotions in a family circle or a company of friends!

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