At the beginning of October, we, Ukrainians, celebrate three closely related holidays at once - the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks and the Day of Defenders of Ukraine!

It was this combination that became the reason for a meeting of representatives of the association of Cossack organizations of the Mykolaiv region, headed by Serhii Rykovskyi, in the library branch No. 8 of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi.
On October 1, the first regional festival "Cossack state is our pride and glory" was held here.
"All-Ukrainian Cossack Army", "Buh and Black Sea Cossack District", "Buh and Black Sea Kish of Ukrainian Cossacks", "Academy of Cultural Heritage of Ukrainian Cossacks" and "Registered Cossacks of the Mykolaiv Region" take part in it. Several zones work at our festival. This is the first zone where we are now. This will be a concert area. Near is the a hall. There is an exhibition of products made by masters of folk art. And there is another hall. This is a Cossack living room," says Serhii Rykovskyi, Regional Ataman of the Association of Cossack Organizations of Mykolaiv region.
The improvised art room-museum collected exhibits related to the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks, the history of Ukraine. These are authentic household items and historical materials. And at the exhibition of the products of the masters of folk art, you could see the masterpieces of the talented women of Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. Among them are the embroidered paintings by Iryna Rykovska, the head of the Cossack workshop of the Buh and Black Sea Cossack District. She became interested in embroidery in the late 90s. Pani Iryna became interested in this matter thanks to the craftswoman Valentyna Dymova.
"She told me how to embroider correctly. She taught me how to do the perfect inside out. Then I became interested in bead weaving. She began to create gerdans on the machine. My embroidered works participated in international competitions. That's a lot of work. She won the second place in the international competition in complexity," says Iryna Rykovska, head of the Cossack workshop of the Buh and Black Sea Cossack District.
For many years the Mykolaiv Cossack community has maintained friendly relations with the library branch № 8 of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi. The young generation is in the field of view of Cossacks and Cossack girls. This includes national-patriotic upbringing, Ukrainian culture and art, Cossack education, and spirituality.
"That's why our association works with young readers. I am a librarian by profession. That is why we work with our young readers and their parents. Because the way to a child's heart is through the family. Through family, through parents. That's why our attention is focused on parents", - says Natalia Hryhortseva, the head of the library branch No. 5 of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi and the Colonel of the Ukrainian Cossacks "Buh and Black Sea Cell".
Organizational meetings of the association of Cossack organizations of the Mykolaiv region are also systematically held on the basis of library branch No. 8.


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