Literary Square next to the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi continues to be filled with memorials to famous Mykolaiv residents. On the morning of September 27, the library recreation area once again became a meeting place for the creative intelligentsia of the Hero City, librarians, journalists and writers.

A commemorative plaque to the poet, translator and literary critic, local historian and public figure Valerii Boichenko was opened here.
The event was held as part of the celebration of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Mykolaiv Regional Organization of the National Writers' Union of Ukraine.
The occasion - Libraries Day - was not chosen by chance. At one time, it was the famous poet who initiated the assignment of Marko Kropyvnytskyi's name to the Central City Library. He wrote about this in his letters addressed to scientist Viktor Zhadek.
This determined the future happy fate of the library, distinguished it, made it recognizable among the libraries of Ukraine.
The author of the original commemorative plaque is the Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, sculptor Ivan Bulavytskyi. It was made at the expense of the city budget.
According to tradition, the ceremony was solemnly opened by the director of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi Inha Khorzhevska. The welcome speech was delivered by Yevhen Horburov, deputy of the Mykolaiv Regional Council, head of the Standing Committee for Science and Education, Innovation, Youth, Family and Sports, Culture and Spirituality.
With warm words, one of the brightest figures of the national and cultural revival of the south of Ukraine was mentioned by the head of the Mykolaiv regional organization of the People's Movement of Ukraine Yurii Didenko, writer and teacher Leonid Rzhepetskyi, friends and colleagues.
The real decoration of the opening of commemorative plaque was the performance of the library immersive theater "BIT", honored artist of Ukraine, poet and composer Oleksandr Sychov, bandurist Anna Kozhurova.
This is the fifth commemorative plaque opened in the Literary Square near the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi, which was founded on the initiative of the library by famous townspeople - poets, writers, journalists and local historians. And the third one is dedicated to Valerii Petrovych personally. The first two commemorative plaques were opened on the facades of the Central District Library in Snigurivka and the Mykolaiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. Also, since 2015, a contest of contemporary Ukrainian patriotic poetry named after Valerii Boichenko has been held annually.


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