The ideas of our ancestors about these lepidoptera are related to such concepts as life, soul, love, happiness. In the church environment of Christians, the image of this insect can be seen on the hand of the baby Christ.

It is depicted as a symbol of rebirth and resurrection of the soul.


Mykolaiv region is a land of picturesque and truly unique places. Here, the hot fertile steppe meets the coolness of the Black Sea waves, the astringent smell of thyme and wormwood mixes with the salty wind of the sea.

At every step, there is historical interweawing that come to life in legends.


Ukrainians have been decorating fabric for a long time. One of the oldest ways of decorating clothes is printing. With the help of specially carved wooden stamps a pattern is applied. This technology spread over the territory of modern Ukraine about a thousand years ago.


Seems to be no longer summer, but it's not real autum yet. During the day, September sometimes pleases us with its heat, but in the evenings it hints softly that it is from the autumn family. A colorful and lush period, a golden and sunny season. Sometimes rainy, sad and cold. Autumn is extremely beautiful in the south.


The forum is a meeting place for managers and leading specialists of libraries, scientists, teachers of higher education institutions, publishers, teachers of universities, authors and readers, information service providers, members and partners of the Ukrainian Library Association.


The Hero City of Mykolaiv is celebrating its 235th birthday today. By tradition, the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi in cooperation with the cultural and artistic association "Art-spokusa" took part in festive events for the day of the city.


This morning a commemorative plaque to the poet, journalist, Honorary Citizen of Mykolaiv Emil Yanvariov was solemnly opened in the Literary Square next to the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi. 


The people of Mykolaiv will celebrate the birthday of the Hero City this coming weekend. This is a time and a great opportunity to be filled with positive energy, good mood and inspiration.

On the eve of the holiday, the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi became a meeting place for extremely talented people and readers.


How many different types of needlework are there today simply cannot be counted. Regular visitors of library master classes, readers of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi always have the opportunity to try to learn something new thanks to the Cultural and Artistic Association "Art-spokusa" and its head Valentyna Kryvtsova.


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