As part of the celebration of the library's 125th anniversary, the book donation campaign continues, and today we will introduce you to the publication "Nonnocere. From the History of the First Hospital in Mykolaiv", received as a gift from the publisher Iryna Hudym.
The names of the book's authors are widely known in Mykolaiv. They are Mykolaiv historian on local lore, candidate of historical sciences, researcher of the Jewish population in the Mykolaiv region, Holocaust researcher, laureate of the Mykolaiv Regional Prize named after Mykola Arkas - Volodymyr Shchukin, and head of the intensive care unit of city hospital No. 1 - Mykola Zamlynskyi.
This is the second edition of the book, supplemented and corrected, translated into Ukrainian, and also one of the last books by Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Shchukin, which he planned to republish during his lifetime, but did not have time.
The Russian-language edition was published in 2019 by Iryna Hudym Publishing House with the support of the Department of Culture and Cultural Heritage Protection of the Mykolaiv City Council within the framework of the city program "Culture". The presentation took place at the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi during the annual exhibition of local publishing houses "Mykolaiv Book".
Residents and guests of Mykolaiv will be interested to learn about the 150-year history of the First City Hospital, which for a long time was the only medical institution for the civilian population of our city, as well as the history of medical care in Mykolaiv, the activities of famous doctors of the past and modern doctors and medical staff of this hospital. The publication contains rare documents and photographs that reflect the activities of the hospital throughout its existence.
So, we invite everyone who is interested in local history and the history of medicine to the reading room of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi.
We sincerely thank pani Iryna for the gift!
We would like to remind you that we are always happy to receive your book donations!