During the event, the children not only had fun, but also learned a lot about our magical Ukrainian language.

What was happening?
- Language battle "What? Where? When?" - tested knowledge and logic, answering interesting questions.
- Quizzes, riddles and language games - two teams "Motherland" and "Warriors" competed for victory, earning cards and points!
- Gastronomic part - studied traditional Ukrainian dishes, and some even tried to cook them!
- Poetry about language - children enthusiastically recited poems dedicated to their native language.
- Creative finale - everyone created a greeting card for friends and relatives on Mother Language Day.
Who won?
As always, friendship won! The most valuable thing is the knowledge that the children gained and the love for their native language, which we all strengthen together.
Why is it important?
Language is the soul of a people, its history, culture and heritage. To love, protect and study our native language is our duty and honor!

Thank you to all participants! May the native word always sound proudly and melodiously!


More pictures here

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