Today, October 25, the largest Ukrainian-language flash mob took place in Ukraine - a Radio Dictatation of National Unity. It was held for the 25th time in a row and was dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language.

The author of the text "The Magic of the Voice" is the writer Oksana Zabuzhko. The dictation was read by the poet, today the defender of Ukraine, Pavlo Vyshebaba. Pavlo mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces with the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion. He is the author of the book of poems "Just don't write to me about the war", published in 2022.

In the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi, about sixty residents of Mykolaiv participated in writing the dictation offline. Among them, Yurii Liubarov, Head of the Department for Culture and Cultural Heritage Protection of the Mykolaiv City Council, Dmytro Falko, Secretary of the Mykolaiv City Council, specialists of the State Service for the Quality of Education in the Mykolaiv Region, representatives of the Patrol Police Department in the Mykolaiv Region, the Main Department of the State Emergency Service in the Mykolaiv Region, the National Guard, the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, the Main Directorate of the National Police in Mykolaiv region, librarians, visitors of Ukrainian language conversation clubs, volunteers, military personnel.
It was broadcast on all platforms of Suspilnyi — TV, radio and digital:

- on the airwaves of Ukrainian Radio and Radio Kultura;
- live on the air of the TV channel and on the Suspilne Kultura website;
- on the YouTube channel of Ukrainian Radio;
- on the Facebook pages of the Suspilnyi.

The text of the radio dictation will be made public on October 28, at 11:00 a.m. on the Ukrainian Radio website and on the Suspilne Kultura website.


More pictures here

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