The multifaceted, multi-colored autumn outside the windows of homes and offices generously shares with us natural materials, which in the skillful hands of craftswomen and craftsmen turn into various handicrafts and paintings.

Fallen leaves and bark of trees, berries and roots are in the course. All this will definitely come in handy for those who want to make panels with their own hands using the ecoprint technique. Regular visitors of the library master classes, kindly organized for them by the Cultural and Artistic Association "Art-Spokusa", were able to see this for themselves.

"That is, today we stamp prints with the help of kraft paper and paint from all this autumn beauty. Our panel will be called "Generous Autumn". And everything depends on the imagination and creativity of our young ladies who came to our master class today. After all, what will turn out, what colors they will choose, what leaves they will choose for the ecoprint, the composition and the picture itself will depend on this," says Valentyna Kryvtsova, head of the Cultural and Artistic Association "Art-Spocusa".
Oksana Davydova, a talented Mykolaiv photographer, artist and craftswoman of the Cultural and Artistic Association "Art-Spocusa", helped regular readers of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi to embody creative ideas of autumn. This type of art, the trainer-master convinces, will suit a friendly, cheerful family, which today is choosing a type of joint leisure. Here you can find, develop artistic thinking and creative realization.
"The technique is not complicated. But you have to adapt a little. Because prints are not always clear. But you can also use it in your compositions. I sometimes use this technique on fabric. Especially when I paint my shoppers. Because there are often interesting moments. Such interesting effects are obtained," Oksana Davydova emphasizes.
As we can see, an increasing number of people prefer natural and at the same time creative products made with their own hands. And this, in particular, is thanks to the ecoprint technique, which originated at the end of the 20th century in Australia and continues to gain momentum throughout the world.


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