One of the founders of abstractionism observed: "If visual art does not contain psychological meaning, it cannot be considered a work of art."

Neurographics helps to connect a person with the depths of consciousness in order to hear his own inner voice. This is a graphic method of transforming one's attitude to the problem.

On May 22, the magical world of shapes and lines was revealed to the visitors of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi by the talented Mykolaiv artist Oksana Davydova. By the way, this was her debut as a trainer, with which pani Oksana coped just fine.
And it doesn't matter if you know how to draw, emphasizes the craftswoman. As a result, finished works can usually remotely resemble children's drawings. The main thing is to focus on the moment, calm yourself down and find inner harmony.
"When we draw these neural lines, new neural connections are formed in our brain. It helps to relieve stress, get to know yourself and solve some problem that bothers you with the help of lines and color. When we start drawing circles they help to harmonize more the situation that is bothering you. And you find solutions better and faster," says Oksana Davydova.
Participants of the process draw lines and shapes exclusively guided by their own intuitive impulses. The hand moves freely on the sheet of paper. Everything that every artist creates is a reflection of his inner world. There are no rules regarding shapes, lines and colors.
"For example, if there is a lot of very red color, it symbolizes the aggression that occurs inside a person. It has to be put somewhere. If we talk about the green color, it is more calm. It's maturity, it helps people, it's learning. Blue means intuition. Yellow, if there is a lot of it as it is in my picture, symbolizes that a person is very eager to change his life," - shares pani Oksana.
Today, a new and interesting direction is actively gaining popularity. After all, through drawing as a kind of therapy, restrictions are removed. A person receives a pass to the desired reality to which he strives with all his might.
"Neurographics is very fashionable. Everyone is engaged in it. It is being studied. And indeed, from the beginning it had more to do with art therapy. But in just a year, artists who have mastered neurographics say that this is just a very beautiful form of art that can exist on its own. That it is more colorful graphics can be. That is why today we have combined such art therapy with the art of neurography. Today we had an artrelax," says Valentyna Kryvtsova, head of Cultural and Artistic Association "Art-Spocusa".


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