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Памятники моего города

Памятник - (от слова "память) сооружение, скульптура, строение, установленная в память о выдающихся людях или в честь исторического события.
Epoch of Revolution

Many monuments and memorials from the Soviet era remain in Nikolaev. Each tells an interesting story and connects to an important period in the city's history.

006 Since 1957, an imposing monument to V.I. Lenin has dominated the square between the city and oblast office buildings, where Sovietska and Admiralskaya Streets cross. The six meter bronze statue is atop an eight meter stone pedestal.

The eastern end of Lenin Prospect is marked by a large bronze panel commemorating the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth. It features a bas-relief of the leader of the proletariat, banners, a hammer and sickle, and revolutionary slogans.

004 In 1986, a park was named to honor of then-leader of Ukraine, G.I. Petrovskyy.

A memorial to revolutionary leader Ivan Chigrin was mounted near the crossing of Chigrin Street and Oktiabrskyy Prospect in 1974.

Poet and revolutionary leader A. Gmyrev is memorialized in a square near the Nikolaev State University. The oldest and largest library in the city, the Nikolaev State Regional Scientific Library, is named in his honor.

In a square adjacent to the office building of the 61 Communards Plant, a monument to Fighters for the Soviet Regime was erected in 1936. It was destroyed during the World War II occupation of Nikolaev, but reconstructed in 1967.

A monument to "workers of Nikolaev who took part in the first May-Day meetings" was erected in the Leski district in 1976. Its bronze sculptures depict workers bearing a banner and leaflets. The monument was defaced in the late 1990s but, with community help, was restored in 2008.

At the crossing of Lenin Prospect and Sadovaya Street there is a large monument to military personnel killed in action defending the Motherland.

Close to the cinema-hall "Yunost", in the park named after Leninskiy Komsomol a monument to Komsomol was founded.

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