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Памятники моего города

Памятник - (от слова "память) сооружение, скульптура, строение, установленная в память о выдающихся людях или в честь исторического события.
Sea glory of our City.

Military traditions run deep in Nikolaev. The Russian Black Sea Naval Fleet was headquartered here for more than one hundred years and the life of the city has forever been connected to the sea.

Important naval commanders such as F.F. Bellinsgausen, F.F. Ushakov, M.P. Lazarev, V.A. Kornilov, G.I. Butakov, P.S. Nakhimov lived long periods of their lives in Nikolaev. These men are depicted in The Alley of Admirals in front of the Museum of Shipbuilding and the Fleet.


  • Monument to F.F. Bellinsgausen
  • Monument to G.I. Butakov
  • Monument to V.A. Kornilov
  • Monument to M.P. Lazarev
  • Monument to P.S. Nakhimov
  • Monument to F.F. Ushakov

Separately honored, by a monument erected on Flotskyy Boulevard in 1976, is Vice Admiral Stepan Osypovych Makarov. Born in Nikolaev in 1848, Makarov played key roles in the history of Russian marine activities at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. His monument is in the form of a statue, created by sculptors A.A. Koptev and A.L. Sapelkin. Beneath the statue is the inscription: "Makarov Stepan Osypovych.

011 1848 - 1904. Vice Admiral, an outstanding naval commander and scientist. Born in Nikolaev, died onboard the battleship Petropavlovsk." There are additional commemorations for Makarov. Nikolaev's Marine University is named in his honor and the house where he was born has been preserved and the street on which it is, renamed.

During the 1812 war, crew № 75 from Mykolayiv and Sevastopol landed at the mouth of the Danube, joined Admiral Pavel Chichagov's army, participated in the seizure of Paris, and returned to Mykolayiv in 1814.

022 One hundred years later, a granite obelisk with the inscription "To the heroes of 1812" was unveiled. On the front of the monument, a bas-relief of a woman symbolizes the Motherland. On the back, the emblem of the city of Nikolaev is rendered in bronze bas-relief. L. Biodjoli, G. Rikh, and E. Shtukenberg created the monument, which was later reworked.

During the Soviet era, it became a "Memorial to the Heroes of Siwash."

012 In 1989, the city's 200th anniversary was marked by installation of a large memorial near the intersection of Lenin Prospect and Sovetskaya Street. Kyiv architects V.A. Chepelyk, M.I. Kislyy, N.I. Alekseyenko, and V.P. Sklutskyy designed the monument.

It features a globe surrounded by figures of naval commanders and Nikolaev shipbuilders. Beneath the three meter tall figures, a wide band carries the inscription "To shipbuilders and naval commanders, in honor of two centuries of labor by Nikolaev shipbuilders: 1789 - 1989".

004 At the beginning of the twenty-first century, citizens placed a monument to Saint Nikolay Chudotvorets in the center of the city. Saint Nikolay is known as the miracle-maker and "most merciful of the saints." He is the patron of sailors, fishermen, and traders. Chestnut square, the location of the Saint Nikolay monument, is a favorite gathering spot for city residents and a special attraction for visitors.

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