Николаев конца ХХ - начала ХХI веков
The reconstruction of Mykolayiv following World War II was an enormous task. The city had been occupied by an enemy army for almost three years. And not just buildings were destroyed. Families were shattered and whole enterprises dismembered. But life came back.
By 1948, the city's original shipbuilding plants were reconstructed and back in production. And new initiatives came, too.
In 1947, construction began on a completely new shipbuilding plant, to be called Okean. The new plant was completed and began production in 1952.
At the same time, another new enterprise was launched - Yuzhnoturbinniy (UTZ). UTZ was created to produce turbine engines for ships and other applications. Today, UTZ is known as "Zora-Mashproekt" and it is one of the world's most significant designers and producers of gas turbine machinery. • фотографии »
Victory Park was built in 1955 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the end of World War II. It remains one of the city's favorite places for rest and leisure time.
Even in sport, the city's connection to the sea is strong. In 1987, a team from Mikolayiv, led by honorary citizen B. S. Nemirov, circumnavigated the globe in a yacht designed and built by staff and students of the National Shipbuilding Institute. This feat, by seven citizens of Mykolayiv and their yacht Ikar, was a first for a Ukrainian crew.
Shipbuilding, still a key industry, has come a long way from that first Mykolayiv-built vessel, the sailing frigate St. Nikolay. Thousands of merchantmen, dry-cargoes and ore ships, refrigerators and tankers rose under the hands of Mykolayiv shipwrights. Whole new technologies of shipbuilding and ship propulsion were developed here. The city's contributions to the Naval Fleet are almost beyond measure. The Soviet aircraft carriers Kiev, Minsk, Novorossiysk, Baku, and Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov all went down the ways at Mykolayiv shipyards. At the time those ships were built, Mykolayiv was one of only two shipbuilding complexes in the world that could handle such large scale projects. • фотографии »
Ship traffic on the Southern Bug is served by three port facilities at Mykolayiv: Mykolayiv Marine Port, the River Port and Port Oktyabrskiy. Mykolayiv's ports are a major gateway for goods flowing into Ukraine from countries surrounding the Black and Mediterranean Seas, or out of Ukraine to the world. Our port is home to the most modern wheat shipping facility in Europe, operated by NINULOT Ltd, a Mykolayiv company and one of the largest wheat producers in Ukraine. • фотографии »
No port operates without pilot service, and Mykolayiv is home to Delta-Lotsman which provides pilot services to vessels calling here and at other Black Sea ports.
Today, three shipbuilding plants operate in Mykolayiv: Okean, The Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant, and the Plant Named After 61 Communards. All three are flexible enterprises, able to execute orders for various types of vessels. Okean is a leading builder of superships. • фотографии »
Shipbuilding, still a key industry, has come a long way from that first Mykolayiv-built vessel, the sailing frigate St. Nikolay", Thousands of merchantmen, dry-cargoes and ore ships, refrigerators and tankers rose under the hands of Mykolayiv shipwrights. Whole new technologies of shipbuilding and ship propulsion were developed here. The city's contributions to the Naval Fleet are almost beyond measure. The Soviet aircraft carriers Kiev, Minsk, Novorossiysk, Baku, and Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov all went down the ways at Mykolayiv shipyards. At the time those ships were built, Mykolayiv was one of only two shipbuilding complexes in the world that could handle such large scale projects.
During the recent years Nikolaev gets back the glory of the biggest exporter of the grains. One of the biggest exporters of grain in Ukraine is a Nikolaev company Nibulon. It has a biggest in Europe complex of grain loading. Agricultural business, food processing industry is growing creating new opportunities for the city and the region.• фотографии »
The power engineering and nonferrous metal businesses enjoy the benefits of good transportation. The Mykolayiv Aluminum Plant, for example, uses bauxites from Guinea, Jamaica, Australia and Brazil to produce premium-quality aluminum goods. • фотографии »
Mykolayiv is a young city, full of energy. We honor our shipbuilding heritage, but our city gains new status and strength as an industrial, business, political and cultural center for all of Southern Ukraine. Mykolayiv is home to more than fifty schools and major universities including the National Shipbuilding University, the State University named after V. O. Suhomlynski, the Agricultural Institute, and the State Humanitarian University named after Petro Mohyla.
Three theaters stage productions here. We enjoy numerous museums. Our city's artists and writers gain recognition throughout the country. Mikolayiv's libraries are among the best in Ukraine, using modern technology to become educational and community centers. Business grows and the face of our city evolves. Streets and parks transform, old buildings are repurposed, chapels and memorials are renovated.
For many years, our city was closed. Mikolayiv was deemed too important, militarily, to allow foreigners to visit. But our doors are open now. We joined the International Black Sea Club. We established sister-city relationships with communities around the world.
One of the oldest and the most beautiful cities of the south of Ukraine - Nikolaev continues to grow and develop under the protection of Saint Nikolay. It is open to the world for partnership and believes in it's happy star - small planet Nikolaev, which was open by Crimea Observatory and was named after it.
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