Life in the City in the First Half of the XXth Century
The events of the year 1917 and the Civil War influenced Nikolaev greatly. For the first time in its history it lived trough the occupation by the foreign soldiers. In 1920 the Soviet power was finally established here.
After the Civil War in difficult circumstances, the citizens of Nikolaev restored plants and factories from ruins. During the pre-war five-years plans the city had grown into an industrial center with 40 enterprises of the importance to both the Ukrainian republic and the Soviet Union, plus hundreds of enterprises of local importance that produced more than 1000 kinds of goods.
In 1929 the School of Naval Pilots was opened. In 1937 the School was given a name of the Hero of the Soviet Union S.Levanevskiy, who had worked as an instructor in this school in 1929.
At that period Nikolaev had many wonderful sights, that unfortunately did not remain intact up to our time:
-Sovetskiy Square with a two-storey building of the former Guardhouse, which was built during the foundation of the city. The city administration offices, workshop of the lighthouse and guardhouse were situated there. This building was decorated with a tower clock that had wooden mechanism. In the 20-s there were situated a dormitory for the working students, Historical Museum and Art Museum named after Vereschagin. After the Revolution the building was destroyed.
- House of the Ukrainian historian and music writer N.Arkas (it was situated at the crossroads of Admiralskaya and Sovetskaya streets, it was barbarously destroyed in the 30-s).
- The building of the Executive Committee, constructed in 1911 was demolished during the Second World War.
-The Admiralty Temple and Memorial to the founder of the city M.Faleev (the building of the Temple was later given to place the Museum and the Memorial was destroyed).
- Aquarium and the Zoo (in 70-s of the previous century it was moved and on its place a building of the Regional Executive Committee was built).
- "Tzar's Palace" ("Moldavian House" or "Moldavanka") was situated behind the boulevard at the end of Admiralskaya and Artilleriyskaya streets. It was constructed in 1790. It was built in Moldavia and moved to Nikolaev according to the order of G.A.Potemkin and then it was erected on its place. The building was a residence of the Prince during his rare visits to Nikolaev. Later the Summer Naval Club was situated there. Since 1835 the street that had its beginning near this building was called Moldavanskaya. Both the building and name of the street were not saved till our days.
- "Winter Naval Club". Architectural ensemble of three buildings was called the House of flag-officers and captains, it was built in 1824. In the center there is a monumental two-storey building with columns, surrounded by cast-iron grate. Winter Naval Club was situated in this building; concerts , balls and celebrations were held there. In two smaller houses there were cadet's classes, offices and apartments for the Naval officers that came on business trips. This buildings exist in our days. The Club of the Naval Officers is still situated in it.
- - Spassk Tract with marble column by the Tzar's Bridge (the column was destroyed).
- Yacht Club - is still there.
- - Military market (communal hospital, ruins of the Mosque, building of the Girl's School, Garden and the Theatre named after Petrovskiy) - only the building of Girl's School is still there.
- In Nikolaev there were: Natural Museum, State Museum of History and Architecture, Museum of Revolution, Agricultural Museum, Astronomical Observatory.
Fascists entered Nikolaev in August 16 of 1941. For almost three years the city was occupied by them. Based on Nikolaev and surrounding territories the General Area Nikolaev was formed that was part of Reichcommissariat of Ukraine. At that time a group created for underground secret service and diversion activity was formed. It was called "Nikolaev Center" and its leader was Victor Lyagin (Korneev).
At night of March 26 of 1944 the landing party, led by the senior lieutenant K.F.Ol'shanskiy, which consisted of sailors-volunteers, field-engineers, signalers and a guide landed in the enemy's territory in the Nikolaev port. After they took under their control several buildings of the port, the party fought against the enemy during two dates until the troops of the third Ukrainian battle Front entered Nikolaev. They fought back 18 heavy attacks of the enemy and killed around 700 soldiers. It was a unique situation in the history of the Great Patriotic War, when all the participants of the military operation were given the titles of the Heroes of the Soviet Union. In March 28, 1944 Nikolaev was liberated by the soldiers of the Soviet Army.
In the central part of the city, where in March of the year 1944 continued heavy battles for every block and every building, there are memorials to the warriors, that liberated the city: battle tank T-34 (at Prospect Lenina and Komsomolskaya Street) and stele (Prospect Lenina and Decabristov Street).
At the former Sobornaya Square the Square of Desantniki ( the Landing Party) is situated now. At the center of the Square there is a memorial complex dedicated to the heroes of the Ol'shanskiy party, that became part of both the history of the city and the country, through their heroic act, performed in spring of 1944. Thanks to their dedication, the city port was saved from destruction, and the liberation of the city was performed more successfully.
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