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Why is our city called Nikolaev?

As the first shipyard rose on the banks of the Ingul River, Russia and Turkey were locked in a bloody war. On 6 December 1788, Russian forces under Commander Alexander Vasyleyevych Suvorov captured the Turkish fortress at Ochakov, an ancient town on the Black Sea not far from Nikolayev.

6 December is the feast day for St. Nikolay Chudotvorets, miracle-maker and "most merciful of the saints," patron of sailors, fishermen, and traders. So, to honor St Nikolay Chudotvorets and to commemorate the victory over the Turks, Commander in Chief of the Black Sea Fleet Grygoriy Potemkyn-Tavrycheskyy named the new city Nikolaev.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, citizens placed a monument to Saint Nikolay Chudotvorets in the center of the city, on Chestnut square. Chestnut square is a favorite gathering spot for city residents and a special attraction for visitors.

Nikolay - the Miracle Maker - an Orthodox saint. He works miracles and can heal sick people, he can stop storms and save those who drowns. Sailors consider him the one who protects their ships in the far sea voyages. Faith in the protection of this saint gives people courage and power. Nikolay also protects the poor and gives gifts to children.

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